Private Career Coaching

Coaching ambitious professionals who want to join healthcare startups and have an impact

Get yourself a mentor

A personal coach is one of the most valuable investments that you can make to get tactical and actionable advice to overcome your obstacles.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself  - Eleanor Roosevelt

Why do you need a coach?

If you already have a mentor who is guiding you through critical life decisions, then this is probably not for you.

But if you feel stuck in your career, unsatisfied with your current role and want to get a chance to grow while doing meaningful work, then a coach might be what you need.

A coach that has gone through the same challenges and has overcome similar obstacles gives you the gift of objectivity to identify the right steps for you.

Meet our coach

Giammarco Pacifico

Giammarco is a bioengineer by training who left a corporate job to join the startup world.

Over the past decade, he has led a global startup accelerator, whose founders have raised over $385M, launched his own healthtech startup to help chronic patients, joined a seed venture capital firm and helped scale a fast-growing company to 450+ employees and $100M raised.

By working with many stakeholders and in different roles, he has spent the last decade building a profound understanding of the healthcare and life science industries.

He now works with early-stage founders to help them build winning teams through proven playbooks.

How can he help?
There are a lot of resources available online about career coaching. Most of them are free and you should definitely check them out.
There are also plenty of career and CV experts who have been working in human resources roles for decades.

But this is something different:

- If you are frustrated with not getting the right opportunities (even after consuming countless online content), broad-stroke career advice is not going to help you

- Giammarco knows the industry and the nuances of different roles: he will help you get the right role in the right company

- When building a career and changing jobs, you only report to yourself: he'll hold you accountable and help you adjust direction based on your situation, also taking into account the current market and where your target companies are headed

How it works

1. Book a session by making a donation
Donate €50 to any Charity or Foundation of your choosing.

We suggest the following ones:

- OWSD (Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World) to support and promote women in scientific and technological leadership - donate via this link

- Collegio Einaudi to provide affordable living spaces and scholarships for talented students - donate via this link

If you prefer donating to another organization but don't already have one in mind, you can find what resonates with you here.

After completing your donation (don't forget to mention that we sent you), email the receipt to to book your session.

2. Session Preparation
After confirming a session, you will receive an email where you'll be able to select a time option that works for you.
The event is set for 60 minutes but you might want to block out extra time in case we go a little long.

To prepare for the call you will need to have the following ready:
- Up-to-date CV
- Desired working situation: title, salary, location, type of contract
- 2 objectives/goals for the call that you would like help with
- Activities that give you energy
- Your definition of success

3. Jump On The Call
Make sure you are in a quiet place with high-quality headphones and a microphone.
Please ensure you are free of distractions.
That’s it. Giammarco will do the rest.

4. Post-Session Work
Once the live coaching session is done, your work begins.
You will receive a summary of the call, along with some recommendations, links to useful resources and action items.

Tell us about your donation and book a session

Please note that donations usually come with tax benefits and deductions. Make sure you check the regulations in your country and speak with a tax advisor if necessary.